Case Study

A Case Study- Election Campaign

PAAGC Digital PVT LTD provides affordable Digital Marketing services and technologies that deliver maximum return on investment for organizations. Our proven Digital marketing system delivers qualified leads to your business and saves your money.
Our Client Politician A, of a National Party-
In the record time of six months, he achieved a milestone by improving health care, waste management, environment, security, and infra-structure and women empowerment He contested the 2018 Karnataka Legislative Assembly elections from a Constituency.
Marketing Objective:
The primary objective was to aware people about the achievements by Client Politician Ain development and reach maximum people for promotion during MLA Elections in Karnataka.
8 days back, when PAAGC Digital was chosen as their Digital Marketing Partner, the biggest challenge was to bring Client Politician A website up on top positions from nowhere in Google search, aware people about Client Politician A and his good works and drive real traffic to his website.
The first action plan was to do a in depth analysis of the site’s current performance & drawbacks, defining the user persona & targets, analysis of the competitors landscape & devising the marketing approach.
Site was low on traffic, not ranking on any of the productive keywords, and hence conversions were very low.
Content & User Experience, Multi-channel Marketing

• Site Optimization & Content:

Site had an immediate need of redesigning, optimization, right keyword targets, quality content, conversion friendly landing pages & a planned marketing strategy.

• Search Engine Optimization:

We also optimized the site for SEO, since it had a lot of scope of driving traffic through search. We insert the “Check Your Polling Booth” option to the website, so that people can track their polling booth and it will drive organic traffic to the site, people will get more information about Client Politician A.

• Search Engine Marketing:

Along with strategic organic search marketing, PAAGC Digital also executed search and display advertisements on Google and Google partnered websites to boost up the user engagement and awareness.

• Keyword Research

We selected productive keywords for the site and optimized it for users considering the latest search engine algorithms.
For running Search Ad campaigns, we did Keyword research in which we used some tools like- Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner Tool. By the help of these tools, we come to know the competency level of keywords and average bid amount we need to keep to rank the keyword.

Final list of keywords that we chose for the search ad campaign was: "election voter list" "MLA election updates"
"voting place for my address" "election date in karnataka"
"Karnataka Election Updates" “election day”
“Election Campaign” “voting day” etc

• Location

As Client Politician A was standing in the elections from place Nagar, so selected only that area for our ads so that the people living or entering in place nagar can see the ads on their phones, laptops or other devices.

• Social Media Marketing

PAAGC Digital Target Facebook and Instagram for Image and video ads for running the campaigns. We target people on the basis of their age. Different age group have different issues. For example:

S.No Age Groups Category Issues Solution (Manifesto)
1 18-25 yrs Women Security To put 10,000 CCTV Camera around the area.To start POD Taxi
2 20-25 yrs Men/Women No working Skills To provide Life Skills and Personality Development Classes
3 25-30 yrs Men Unemployemnt To provide Job Opportunities to them
4 25-30 yrs Men/Women Traffic Issues To widen the Roads
5 40-60 yrs Men/Women Health Issues To Increase good services and doctors in the Hospitals.

Conduct Free health camps every Month
So, we did campaign related to these issues as said in Client Politician A’s manifesto.
• Google Analytics
On the daily basis, we used to analyze the traffic that are coming to the site, that what actions people visiting the websites are taking on the site, till which page they are visiting the site, at what time people are mostly active on the site, bounce rate, age, and location of visitors.
With integrated marketing efforts, continual analysis & smart budget allocation among them, The ROI increased drastically.
A. WEBSITE (Google Analytics)
a. Total traffic went up drastically by 5725% with more organic users showcasing the improved user experience.
May 9, 2018 – May 12, 2018
b. Traffic comes from the different sources: there was direct traffic, Organic traffic and traffic directed from Facebook and other social media channels.
May 10, 2018 – May 12, 2018
c. Mostly people were using mobile to visit the website.
May 1, 2018 – May 12, 2018
d. Different pages visited by the people in the website.
B. We received views and impressions in large number through Facebook and Instagram Advertisements.

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